So, after this we hit the road again and ended up stopping 3 more times. Which in my opinion was not too bad. We finally made it here around 4:15ish which wasn't bad either. We got checked in and hit the beach. We didn't stay too long b/c we were all hungry and tired. After the beach we checked out the swimming pool and went to change to go eat. We went to one of my favorite places when I was a teen and used to play on a traveling softball team...Fazzoles! I was so excited b/c I had not been to one of these in years BUT I was a little disappointed. It was not as good as I remembered but it was food and we were all hungry. After that we went to Wal-mart (I know I go on vacation and just to go to Wal-mart) but Sam needed a new pair of crocs b/c he's broke as soon as we got here and we needed a beach chair b/c we could not find ours either. We left Wally World and we back to the hotel and walked across the street to a little ice cream shop. We all got a cone and some how I ended up with Ryan half melted mushy cone of soft serve chocolate while he ate my waffle cone of strawberry. I think I got the robbed! But oh well. We went back up to our room and cleaned Ryan b/c he had ice cream everywhere and needless to say we sat down and it was over! We were ALL in bed a little after 8! I think we were tired! We are just happy to be here! All and all it was a good day!
Well, hopefully I will do better. The countdown is on. Two weeks from yesterday and I will be a married woman again. Scary thought! Hope everyone is having a great summer!!!