Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wedding Photos

Here are just a few of the pictures from the wedding. I think I have over 500 pictures just from that day. It really did turn out well. There is no order to them b/c it takes so long to load them here.

Jamie, Summer and the kids
Sam's brother Sebastien and his wife Melanie
Me and my daddy
The ceremony
Sam and Ryan coming downstairs and seeing me in my dress

The cake which was FABULOUS!!! My cake topper wouldn't stay put.
Me and my two moms

Micheline and Raynald
Sam's sister Sophie and her family
This is my FAVORITE photo. It will be blown up when I get home.
Mimosa's!!! Need I say more! It was 10 o'clock in the morning.

As soon as I get home I will publish more. I think I can blog for the next year with all the pictures I have.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 2 & 3

We pretty much did nothing but relax! It was FANTASTIC!!! We would wake up...eat breakfast...piddle around....and then head off to the beach for a couple of hours. Come back to our room, eat lunch and rest then go swim again. It was great. Here is Ryan below one morning after he woke up. We are so lucky he is a morning person. He always wakes up with a BIG smile on his face. I just hope it continues as he gets older!

Friday night Papa got into town and we went and had dinner with them at Benjamin's Calabash buffet. It was nice to be able to spend time with Papa and Grandma Dianne.
This is Ryan one day after lunch. I don't know what it is about sun and water that drains kids but he took some very long naps after being out on the beach. It was nice. While he slept Mommy played on facebook and blogged as you see below. Isn't the hair nice? Who feels like doing there hair on vacations right?

We really are having a great time! Very relaxing!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Beach Day 1

Travel-Not the most exciting part of a vacation but it has to happen. Ryan and I drove Sam to work this morning so we could pick him up and hit the road. We dropped him off around 7:15 and headed back to the house to finish packing the car. I got everything loaded and about 30 minutes to 1 hour later while I was doing a last load of laundry I saw that I had forgotten to put in the car Sam, Ryan and my wedding outfits. I laughed. I could just see us getting down here and everybody being dressed nice for the wedding and Sam, Ryan and I all have on bathing suits. Anyway, Ryan and I left about 10:30ish b/c we had to gas up the car and stop at Target to get a couple of things and get some lunch before we picked up Sam. We finally made it to pick him up a little before 12. I still could not believe it was finally here.

So, this was my first time ever traveling with a potty trained child and I really didn't know what to expect. Ryan still waits till almost the last minute to tell us he needs to go potty so I was a little worried. We get going and he is doing good. We are trying not to give him too much to drink so we don't have to make too terribly many stops. We made the first one in Canton so the side of an exit ramp. I hope it is not illegal but we just let him rip it on the side of the interstate. YES, I took a picture! I can't wait till he starts dating and bust this out!

So, after this we hit the road again and ended up stopping 3 more times. Which in my opinion was not too bad. We finally made it here around 4:15ish which wasn't bad either. We got checked in and hit the beach. We didn't stay too long b/c we were all hungry and tired. After the beach we checked out the swimming pool and went to change to go eat. We went to one of my favorite places when I was a teen and used to play on a traveling softball team...Fazzoles! I was so excited b/c I had not been to one of these in years BUT I was a little disappointed. It was not as good as I remembered but it was food and we were all hungry. After that we went to Wal-mart (I know I go on vacation and just to go to Wal-mart) but Sam needed a new pair of crocs b/c he's broke as soon as we got here and we needed a beach chair b/c we could not find ours either. We left Wally World and we back to the hotel and walked across the street to a little ice cream shop. We all got a cone and some how I ended up with Ryan half melted mushy cone of soft serve chocolate while he ate my waffle cone of strawberry. I think I got the robbed! But oh well. We went back up to our room and cleaned Ryan b/c he had ice cream everywhere and needless to say we sat down and it was over! We were ALL in bed a little after 8! I think we were tired! We are just happy to be here! All and all it was a good day!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

And the countdown begins...

Less than 24 hours from now We will be on the rode heading to the beach for fun, relaxation, sun and oh yeah...a wedding!I just finished cleaning the house and packing! I am SO tired right now BUT no nap for me! I have been giving Ryan naps here lately and he hasn't been going to bed until almost 10 everynight so I decided today not to give him a nap and see how that goes. I am really not ready for the nap phase to be over! It is my favorite part of the day! It is when I do my workout and get ALOT of stuff done without interuptions. Oh well...they have to grow up sometime don't they?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It's Official...I am a slacker!

I am officially the biggest summer slacker. I have not blogged in forever! We have been very busy! Potty training, swimming, family visits from Canada, working and my personal favorite...NAPPING! But here are some pictures from Freedom Weekend Aloft. Sam's parent live in Simpsonville and from their front yard we can watch the hot air balloons. Ryan LOVES it and this is the 3rd year we have gone. This year Sophie, Sam's big sister, was here to enjoy it with us.

Ryan with Papie's binocular's

Daddy and Ryan relaxing
The balloon's in the air

Now, the next set of pictures of of Ryan and him swimming all by himself. We were so proud of him. Normally, when we go swimming he hangs onto Sam or I for dear life. I had gone to the beach with Nana to finish up some wedding details and found some spider man floaters. We called them his BIG MUSCLES! Now, he can swim all by himself! He is the cutiest thing. He will even flex them and kiss each one of them like he is macho man! It is hilarious.

Well, hopefully I will do better. The countdown is on. Two weeks from yesterday and I will be a married woman again. Scary thought! Hope everyone is having a great summer!!!