Friday, March 20, 2009

It's almost here

A week from tomorrow we will be loading up and Ryan will be taking his first flight to Canada. We are so incredibally excited that there are no words to describe it! Frankly, I am not quiet sure that a week is going to be enough time to fit everything in that Sam wants to do and show us! The good new's is that I am taking my camera and a laptop so hopefully I will be able to post pic's to my blog everyday! I think the 2 things that I am most excited about are:

1-we are going snow tubing-I guess this is the correct name for it-who knows but its a single tube you go down one at a time. Never done this before so it should be fun! I get to see snow again!

2-we are going to some place where they make maple syrup...not the stuff you buy in the stores but the real thing. Anyway, at this place they take snow and pack it in this pan and then pour hot maple syrup on top of the snow and then you take a popsicle stick and just start turning it in the mix and it makes some kind of popsicle or something. It sounds good and sweet which is right up my alley!

3-shopping....come on now....who doesn't love shopping in a country they have never been too!

4-Chocolate, Chocolate and more Chocolate. and did I mention chocolate. Sam and his family have me addicted to this candy bar that you can only get in Canada. It is called a Mirage and OMG it is sooooooo good. It just melts in your mouth. So good! We got a box of them for Christmas and just finished off the last ones last night! there was more than 2 things there but I am just so excited. I can't wait!

Sam has told me I can't start packing yet. I am the queen of over prepairedness (don't really know if that is a word but it is today). I am so OCD that I have to have my list of everything I need, everything clean and laided out that needs to go with me and everything must be packed a week in advance! I know....I am terrible....but that is the way I am. And I over pack too! But I hate to get stuck miles away from home and not have something you need! That drives me crazy. And I am so cheap that I hate to have to go to the store to buy a new one when I know I have a perfectly good one sitting at home. So, needless to say Sam has told me I can't even start packing until Thursday! That is just not enough time. And if it is not bad enough that I do this while I am conscience but I dream about it too. I dream all the time that I am going somewhere and I am running late and I'm not packed and I forgot everything I need. It is just awful! But it gets worse....the night before I go somewhere I can not relax.....sleep yeah right. As soon as I lay down everything will start going through my mind....did I pack this.....did I pack that....oh I need to remember to get that and that and that in the morning (and usually forget everything I needed to remember to pack). Maybe I will sleep on the plane....since it leave at 6:10 in the morning. Yeah right....keep dreaming.

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