Monday, February 23, 2009

What a weekend!!!

I don't even know where to begin to tell everything that happened this weekend....I guess lets start at my favorite part of the weekend.....

Sam and I are ENGAGED!

I still can't believe it myself until I look down at my hand and there it ring!

This picture doesn't do it is simply beautiful! Anyway, we are planning on getting hitched Monday, July 20, 2009 at Myrtle Beach. Nothing fancy just us and our family. I can't wait.

Our 2nd good news is MY HOUSE IS RENTED!!! We signed the lease Saturday! It's all good now! I can focus my attention on getting our house cleaned and straightened up, our trip to Canada, and our course the few details for our wedding!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Going for Ryan's passport photo...

Not the easiest thing I have ever tried to do. Now, he will let you take his picture anywhere EXCEPT for a posed shot by himself...I think last night we paid more for the candy then the actual passport photo. And I would not recommend you taking a young child to this place to do the photo. I ended up using MY OWN camera to get the picture b/c the lady that worked there waited till we got him still and happy and then decided to turn the camera ON...oh yes...while we were messing with him b/c he didn't want to sit....she had time to do all this but did not. It probably took us every bit of 30 minutes to get a picture we could actually use. And like I said...the good photo we got came from my camera! are some of the pictures.

We got this one....

And this one to take to the agency.

I wish we could of used this one but he was looking straight.

Even this is good but his little head was tilted.

So we are hoping that at least one of the two work!

Anyway...We booked our flight tickets last we are for sure going! We leave March 28th and come back April 4th. I am so excited! I can't wait!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

American Cancer Society T-Shirts

I am taking orders for these this year. Our DO is selling them. They are really cute this year. They are brown with the line "Fight like a girl" in pink with the pink breast cancer ribbon. I LOVE mine. They are $10. Sizes Youth 6-8 to Adult 4X. If you would like one you can email me at with your name and size and contact information. Checks need to be made out to The American Cancer Society. Thanks for all your support!

All is Good!

My house is rented and I can not begin to tell you how relieved I am. I Love the tenant we chose, I think she is going to be wonderful and really take care of the property. She was so excited too! So thank the good lord this process is over! I can relax and get our house back in a livable order. I'm SO EXCITED!

I also found out that we are planning on going to Canada for Spring Break! I am SUPER DUPER EXCITED about that. And Sam it too. He is so excited he gets to show me around Canada and I get to meet his friend Gus and hang out with his brother and sister. I can't wait. AND I GET TO SEE SNOW! Yes it will be April but that is about the time it starts melting there and there will still be plenty of it! I get to see lots of snow....I wish I could describe all the wonderful things Sam has told me we are going to see and do. I just don't know where to start or how to even begin to describe them. But don't worry...I will take lots of pictures for my blog. Now, I just have to get Ryan a passport. We are going today to get his picture made...should be interesting getting a baby to stand still long enought to take a good picture. We shall see. Then, tomorrow I have to take him to the post office downtown and apply in person. Hopefully, we won't have any problems and I won't have to put a rush on it. I AM JUST SO EXCITED! LESS THAN 6 WEEKS! I am going to have to do a countdown till Canada like Summer does for their Disney trip!

Monday, February 16, 2009


MY HOUSE IS EMPTY!!! I never EVER thought this day would come but the house is ready to be rented! Sam and Kyle did a wonderful job moving everything and my 10X10 Storage unit is packed from bottom to top! Ryan enjoyed driving the "Big Truck" as he called it. He thought he was one of the guys this weekend. He was the BIGGEST help to. Who would of thought a 2 almost 3 year old could carry so much stuff and come back for more? But he did. He would carry one load and then look up at you and say, "Come on, let's go get some more!" It really was the sweetest thing ever! He got his exercise this weekend hands down.

Then, we had Maksim also (which is Sam's parents dog) and since we don't have a fenced in backyard we have to take for a walk every night. So Ryan went walking with us and LOVED every minute of it. He ran the entire time. It is so cute when he runs b/c he has these littly bitty short legs and they are going just as fast and he can get them to go. And our neighborhood is nothing but hills and I'm not talking little rollings hills...I'm talking BIG hills! It was fun! If Ryan is outdoors he is happy!

Sunday, We showed the house again and they STILL love it and they faxed me the application today so hopefully we will have the house rented by this weekend!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Moving Day...

Well today is the big day.....we are (I should be saying Sam is) moving everything to the storage unit tonight! I went and got a unit yesterday and might I say....if anybody is looking for a nice storage unit the one on 290....A-1 great. You deal with the owner and he is a very nice guy. Anyway....should be fun. Then, Saturday we will be cleaning. What a way to spend your Valentine's day right? Well, I feel loved and special most of the time by Sam and Ryan so its Valentine's day for me almost all year! Especially when I get a big KISS from Ryan. But we are having Nana over and cooking some nice steaks so it will be a blast. May even fire up the fire pit if the rain holds off and roast some marsh mellows.

I did show the house again last night and she LOVED it! She wants to bring her kids back Saturday. So, hopefully everything will check out on this one! If not...keep on showing. We will have to get a new "FOR RENT" sign. I got to my house yesterday and the wind from the storm Wednesday had completely tore the sign off the holder. For now I just stuck it in the window but if things don't pan out for this lady we will have to invest in a new one.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I can not believe it but I finally finished packing my house up! I finished last night and boy am I feeling it today. I forgot what it is like to climb stairs again and again. My legs are so sore today but it was worth it to finally be finished. Now, my job is done and Sam has to get to work. He is renting a truck tomorrow and he and a buddy of his are moving all of what is left to a storage building. It was a bitter sweet moment for me. I am sad b/c it is my first house that I bought all by myself but at the same time I know that it is time. I have been paying for a house that I have barely lived in and I know it is time to let go. So I start a new chapter in my life....a little scary but I am looking forward to it. Now, if I can just get this thing rented I will be doing even better. But I have a good feeling about the lady I am getting ready to show the house to tonight. So, I hope everybody has their fingers crossed and plenty of prayers. Hopefully, I will have good news for tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Are We Sure its February?

It doesn't feel like it! It was so nice we went out to play yesterday afternoon! Here are some pictures of ryan playing.
Peek a Boo....I see you!
Chillin in the tunnel!
For some reason he won't go down the slide by himself. Either Sam or I have to slide with him.
What a face! That was a new one we hadn't seen before!
We had so much fun. Hopefully we will get to do it all over again tonight!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Almost There...

I can't believe it but I got sooooooooooo much done in my house this weekend. The entire down stairs is done! And there really isn't that much left upstairs. I was so happy and exausted by Sunday! Now I just have to get all the boxes and bags moved! Hopefully this next weekend we will get that done. You should see my house though. There are piles everywhere. Anybody who knows me knows what an OCD person I am...well....I have what I like to call organized confusion at my house. I have everything separated by where it is going. Whether it is going to our house in Duncan, to storage, to the dump, to goodwill, it is crazy. Now my problem is trying to make room for all the stuff I am taking to Duncan....its such a SLOW process and I am such an impatient person. Oh well, I did show my house this weekend! I was a little embarassed about it b/c it was such a mess but oh well. Got to start somewhere and let people see it. So hopefully soon we will have it rented out! Keep your fingers crossed.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Thank Goodness its Friday!!!

And what a long weekend I have ahead of me....I am spending the biggest part of tomorrow packing up my house. I have had a couple of calls on my house and I really want and need to get it cleaned it out so Sam and I can start showing it and hopefully get a tenant! I never knew so much goes into being a GOOD landlord. I did/am doing my homework and stopped at Barnes and Nobles and bought two books for landlords. And I have to recommend one to ANYONE who even considers going into the rental business to get this book, "Every Landlord's Legal Guide." It is step by step instructions and is very thorough. I haven't even gotten to the second book yet. I may take it back b/c this one is so good!

Anyway, Hopefully this weekend will be more productive than last weekend. Ryan will be at his father's this weekend so we are also having our "Game Night" and Raclette. I enjoy these weekends but I do miss having Ryan. But I usually get A LOT of stuff done so this is definately a good weekend for this. I will let you all know how much I do/don't get done this weekend!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

An unexpected visitor...

Nothing in the world is better than a surprise visit from you baby. I just got the most wonderful surprise/pick me up a few minutes ago. Nana had taken a personal business day to do something with my brother and picked Ryan up at school and brought him to see me! He was all smiles when he saw me and that MADE MY DAY!

Where did it all come from?

This past weekend Sam and I were planning on spending all day Saturday packing up my house and getting it cleaned up and ready to show prospective tenants.....well boy was I wrong! I didn't quiet realize just how much STUFF I still had at that house. It's unbelievable. I was just standing there in my house in a daze looking at everything and wonderng Where did it all come from? How could I possibly still have this much stuff at this house. Needless to say we DID NOT get very much done! I got so overwhelmed at trying to decide what to take to the house in Duncan and what to pack up and put in storage...what to get rid of or try and give away. We did get two loads of STUFF done but thats about it. I am going to try again this weekend and just go over there by myself and go through bit by bit and just maybe I will feel like I accomplished something.