Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 3-Ryan’s Birthday!

Today is Ryan’s 3rd Birthday! When I woke up this morning I just could not believe it had been 3 years since I woke up at 1 o’clock in the morning the day I was scheduled to be induced in labor. It just seems like yesterday! Where has time gone? Everyday he gets bigger and bigger. I wish time would slow down but I know that won’t happen. I will blink my eyes and he will be grown and getting married and having kids of his own.

Anyway, it is day 3 of our trip and we have continued to have fun. We went shopping at their mall. It was so different than Westgate mall. Each store’s outside is elaborate. There are no words to describe it. They have spots for husbands to wait while they wives shop. It is beautifully decorated. The architecture inside is out of this world. It really is a beautiful mall. Sam and Ryan went with us. I think his favorite part was all the fountains that were all around the mall. And the cart that you rent for kids. He liked it. They have so many different stores that we don’t have and their style is so different than ours as well. But we had a good time. I think Sophie and I are going to go back later this week.

We came back from the mall and stopped at PFC, their version of KFC, for lunch. Surprising they are very Americanized here. It was good. They don’t have the potato wedges like ours back home but it was still good. Of course their 3 piece meal is more like a 1 piece meal.

Day 4

Today we went to the old Montreal. It was amazing. I felt like I was in New York with all the tall buildings and beautiful churches. We took the Metro to get their which is their version of the subway. That was different but fun! Ryan loved it. He liked that it went fast!

That night we went over to Sam’s childhood friends house, Gustavo or Gus for short. We had a blast. I don’t know who was happier to see who. The whole time Gus was trying his hardest to talk us into moving back up here. He also showed off some of Sam’s school pictures. Yes…he busted out the old yearbooks! I don’t think I have laughed so hard in a long time. It was great!


  1. OMG you all seem to be having such a wonderful time and I am so happy for you. Molly is growing like a weed and we are bonding like crazy. I don't know who is going to miss who the most next week...and guess what? I bought 11 dresses yesterday...can't wait to hear more about your trip. I pray you will continue to have a wonderful and amazing trip. Love, Momma aka Nana

  2. Happy Birthday Ryan!! I didn't know he was an April Fool's Baby. :) Hope you guys are having a great time!
